A day in the fog 27/06/2009

We set off to go bass fishing in glorious sunshine but by the time we reached our first mark we were in fog as thick as custard and it lasted all day.The bait we had was top quality sand eels trawled the day before and 60 joey mackerel caught on the way, it wasn't long before we were into the bass.Fish came steady for about three hours about 80-90 in total with many catch and releases.

After are fill of bass fishing we decided to fish a wreck for bream and tope, but what we encountered were congers up to 73lb including five anglers into fish all at the same time and Peg Leg Ernie catching a bream of 4lb. By late afternoon the tide had turned and was starting to push too hard to fish it with any sense so it was time too up the hook and head for home in the fog. There was plenty of banter with everyone getting in on the act and saying it was not fair that the skipper won the money for the biggest fish with a conger, well i thought it was a great idea from start to Finnish

Winton Workmans Day Out 07/06/2009

It all started at 7-30 am when we set off for a day's fishing on the cod grounds in mid channel.The weather was a bit confused after the storms that had passed through in the night leaving a fresh SSW breeze, there were a few strange looks as we passed Old Harry but with a confident "it will get better" from the skipper we pressed on regardless.On approaching the cod grounds the biggest black cloud you had ever seen arrived an the wind freshened up for 45 minutes then dropped again then the rain took over and tipped down for about an hour.The first drift produced 1 cod then two more drifts were blanco so we made a move to the East. After the move we had fish on every drift throughout the day which was a result if you could keep away from Harry and his tangle machine the picture just showing just one of his efforts to preserve the cod stocks for another day.With 54 cod on board we decided to call it a day and head for home in glorious sunshine and a wonderful flat sea.
The trip home was a fine conclusion to the day with cheese and biscuits all washed down with 4 yes 4 bottles of finest Lidles port and a few beers with plenty of banter while the gay hairdresser steered us home safely.

No one said cod fishing was easy 21/05/2009

This is the remains of Mr Mcavoy after a lesurely day's cod fishing !!

You have got to be coding 21/05/2009

After setting out to mid channel for a days cod fishing the target for the day was to beat last years best day of 214 cod.The weather was glorious and with a good tide we set about the task but having got off to a slow start we had only landed 42 fish by 12-00 so i decided to make a move to the west. On arrival at the next waypoint the first drift asccounted for another 9 fish so we were off and running and by 17-00 the anglers were starting to tire and by 17-50 only three anglers were left fishing. At 18-10 fish number 205 was landed and released and the day was called to an end just short of our target but whata grand day's fishing so you could say the cod have arrived

Captain Carling with his winning bream

Phil Carling with the 3lb 5oz bream which gave Crimson Tide the prize of top charter boat and £400 for the anglers to share between themselves in the poole dolphins open bream comp on sunday the 10th May sponsored by Andy at Poole Sea angling Centre. The boat had a total of 100 plus fish with 10 fish kept and all the rest returned to fight another day.

Capt carlesberg 13/04/2009

Phil with one of the pollock caught during the day .

The other side of the channel 13/04/2009

Well we fished the legs earlier this week so we decided to go even further in the fine weather. To say the weather was good was an under statement it was flat calm and wall to wall sunshine lets hope the fishing would match up . We had already decided on our destination but we just had to try one small wreck on the way that we had never fished before, the first two drifts produced 8 fish to live sand eels then nothing for next three drifts so we pushed on. The next wreck paid dividends with fish straight away and all through the tide until slack water when it died. We put on hopper rigs to try for for an unlucky cod , but all the hopper rigs produced were large pout up to 4lb 1oz not bad for a smelly.
We decided to head for home and try the small wreck we had tried on the way, but it was just as we had left it blanco strange seems it had started so promising. The tally for the day 50-60 Pollock up to 16lb and of course the smelly which rolly is holding .