The other side of the channel 13/04/2009

Well we fished the legs earlier this week so we decided to go even further in the fine weather. To say the weather was good was an under statement it was flat calm and wall to wall sunshine lets hope the fishing would match up . We had already decided on our destination but we just had to try one small wreck on the way that we had never fished before, the first two drifts produced 8 fish to live sand eels then nothing for next three drifts so we pushed on. The next wreck paid dividends with fish straight away and all through the tide until slack water when it died. We put on hopper rigs to try for for an unlucky cod , but all the hopper rigs produced were large pout up to 4lb 1oz not bad for a smelly.
We decided to head for home and try the small wreck we had tried on the way, but it was just as we had left it blanco strange seems it had started so promising. The tally for the day 50-60 Pollock up to 16lb and of course the smelly which rolly is holding .