It all started at 7-30 am when we set off for a day's fishing on the cod grounds in mid channel.The weather was a bit confused after the storms that had passed through in the night leaving a fresh SSW breeze, there were a few strange looks as we passed Old Harry but with a confident "it will get better" from the skipper we pressed on regardless.On approaching the cod grounds the biggest black cloud you had ever seen arrived an the wind freshened up for 45 minutes then dropped again then the rain took over and tipped down for about an hour.The first drift produced 1 cod then two more drifts were blanco so we made a move to the East. After the move we had fish on every drift throughout the day which was a result if you could keep away from Harry and his tangle machine the picture just showing just one of his efforts to preserve the cod stocks for another day.With 54 cod on board we decided to call it a day and head for home in glorious sunshine and a wonderful flat sea.
The trip home was a fine conclusion to the day with cheese and biscuits all washed down with 4 yes 4 bottles of finest Lidles port and a few beers with plenty of banter while the gay hairdresser steered us home safely.