A day in the fog 27/06/2009

We set off to go bass fishing in glorious sunshine but by the time we reached our first mark we were in fog as thick as custard and it lasted all day.The bait we had was top quality sand eels trawled the day before and 60 joey mackerel caught on the way, it wasn't long before we were into the bass.Fish came steady for about three hours about 80-90 in total with many catch and releases.

After are fill of bass fishing we decided to fish a wreck for bream and tope, but what we encountered were congers up to 73lb including five anglers into fish all at the same time and Peg Leg Ernie catching a bream of 4lb. By late afternoon the tide had turned and was starting to push too hard to fish it with any sense so it was time too up the hook and head for home in the fog. There was plenty of banter with everyone getting in on the act and saying it was not fair that the skipper won the money for the biggest fish with a conger, well i thought it was a great idea from start to Finnish