Squally conditions 28/03/2009

The day started with 6 of the most unlikely candidates led by David Fagan. The weather for the day was not favourable with a strong NNW wind and a big spring tide we talked tactics whilst they tucked into there bacon rolls and fresh piping hot coffee. We came up with the idea of fishing dancing ledge for early bream or the odd undulate ray ,Well that plan didn’t work at all, all we had was two dogfish so I decided to go 7 miles south to catch the slackening tide and try to fish a wreck. On arriving the wind was howling from the north and bloody cold and four of the lads were being quite ill, after a quick drift to estimate the tide it showed it had eased down to 1.5 knots good enough to chuck the hook in.
Within 10 minutes we had and lost our first conger then lanky who was 6ft7in tall caught an eel of 46lb which gave us a good bench mark to carry on for the next hour and a half in the tide window. In all we landed 5 eels between 31lb and 46lb and dropped 4 so worth the effort but of all things I forgot to bring the camera so no pictures. We then returned back to dancing ledge to try the ebb but to no avail just the odd dogfish again so while dodging the rain storms we returned to port and agreed that it had been a good day in tough conditions.

C K electrical's day out 21/03/2009

With a fine day weather wise in prospect we pushed off out to the Rip's to fish the small neap tide which woud give us the chance to fish the wrecks and banks which would normally be unfishable. James smith with his first eel of the day which pushed the scales to 72lb which was the new boat record, it was a lively beast which he could not hold up for the photo, shame does not do the eel justice.In total we had 15 eels and 3 rays up to 26lb 6oz plus the usual bits and pieces to keep them ocupied while Craig ate all the pie's.

Julian with his conger 21/03/2009

Julian looking very pleased with himself and just look at that weather .

James with his ray of hope 21/03/2009

Well there both smiling and so they should be James with his new Pb of 26lb 6oz and the ray swam away for another day. James also had another ray with his next cast which weighed in at 16lb 10oz which was also released, all fish caught were released with the exception of a conger of 20lb which was to be eaten, personally i would have preferred to have taken the bait home and cooked the squid and mackerel but then what do i know about cooking fish??