March 31

Like most dwarfs Lorraine had to have the last say but the men said it was all luck and something to do with her singing "hey ho hey ho its off to work we go" all day, some dwarf chant. Stop calling it Ninja and put it back, you cant take it home and look after it

well the men had to make a show soon

Just part of a fine day angling shame about that coat I can understand the fish not being happy but whats wrong with him
Well he looks a happy chappy

small tides big swell

A nice blonde shame about that red hat
This was a excellent day's fishing in some interesting ground swell conditions , the day's total consisted of 7 blondes up to 21lb 8 congers up to 64lb plus starry smoothounds and spurdogs which made for a bumper day.

june 2007

Some thing to look forward toadam with a fine turbot

25 August 2007

Great Days Fishing South of Peveril Ledges . Caught loads of fish including Bass, Bream and Pollock.